
Seven Levels of Spiritual Unfolding
A transformative and unforgettable journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, designed for individuals preparing for a calling that requires a strong relationship with the spirit world, and includes the option to continue for another trimester to reach higher levels of understanding.


Spiritual readings, known as "consultas," extend beyond typical intuitive insights. During these consultations, I enter into the spiritual realm to connect with ancestors and guides, receiving messages and performing energetic clearings. Through these consultations, effective counsel, clarity, insight and spiritual support is given to those seeking it.


Feeding the Light Body
This course aims to teach students how to love and maintain a healthy physical body, detect imbalances in the light body, identify affected organ systems, and learn how to nourish the light body with food, plants, and natural elements.

Sacred Plants + The Psychic Senses
Discover your innate psychic abilities and develop your inner senses through a unique plant medicine practice.

Bush Medicine: Walking the Talk

Explore the ancient and modern traditions of bush medicine. Learn how to identify medicinal plants, prepare them, safely use them, and gain a strong foundation in herbal healthcare, plant-based remedies, and healthy lifestyle practices.


Way of Plant Medicine
A unique opportunity to discover rarely taught valuable knowledge on human-plant relationships from one of the world's least-known healing traditions. During this course, we learn how healers in Garifuna tradition work with plants and plant spirits.

Medicine Bundle

Discover the sacred knowledge of Medicine Bundle making in the Garifuna tradition, where you will learn to create personalized healing bundles and use them to address various areas of life for healing.

Love Potion Making (Romancing The Bush)

Learn about traditional bush medicines that enhance loving energies, promote creativity, and heal relationships, and gain knowledge on identifying, propagating, harvesting, preparing, and using these plants.

Enhancing Conception Naturally

Discover how to enhance your chances of conception naturally by balancing the physical, emotional, and spiritual layers of existence in this workshop that covers traditional fertility enhancers, identifying and removing conception blockers, and natural remedies for a healthy reproductive system.


Healing the Healer
Tailored specifically for healers, healthcare practitioners, energy workers, doctors, nurses, and caretakers who prioritize self-care.