Feeding the Light Body

There is a component of human life that has no smell or taste, and can only be sensed or seen by those with extra sensory perception. Ancient wisdom defines this component as the “Light Body” because it operates on light and requires light to function. The Light Body generates micro waves and radio frequencies, as well as low level electric waves; heart beat and brain rhythms.

The Light Body is what manages the balanced distribution of light throughout the seven systems of your physical body. Each organ system requires light nutrition in its proper light frequency in order to remain healthy. All of these systems absorb full spectrum nutrition from the light stored in food, water, and air.


When we consume foods that have processed sunlight in their development, and have been kissed by the Sun, we provide our seven systems with a rich source of light nutrition. When we breathe deeply in the rain-forest or anywhere in nature where there is good clean air, we provide our systems with a rich supply of light. When we drink water or bathe in water infused with Sun energy, we nourish our light body.